Local Context
Welcome to the website of Chalmers Architecture master’s course
Key Projects for Sustainable Development in a Local Context,
or Local Context as it is usually called.
Here you can find material from the course!
Our work
Planning and design in support of sustainable development requires, on the one hand, knowledge of the local situation, and, on the other hand, an understanding of the change processes that are taking place at local, regional, national and global levels.
Our work has been carried out as a process in several steps where we worked “from below” to understand the site's special conditions and needs, and partly “from above” to identify the demands for change that follow from global challenges and the vision of sustainable development. Analyses, strategies and in-depth projects have gradually taken shape in a meeting between the local and the global.
The work has been carried out in two steps:
Step 1 Analysis and strategies
Step 2 Key projects
Sustainable development
The starting point for our work is sustainable development - a development that takes place within the planetary boundaries of environmental and climate impact and which at the same time ensures a more equitable distribution of available resources.
In Sweden, adjustment processes for sustainable development are largely about radically reducing our resource and energy use and breaking unsustainable consumption and production patterns while maintaining welfare, quality of life and a good living environment. A fair distribution of resources within and between generations, a secure social cohesion and everyone's right to participation are also important cornerstones in the vision of sustainable development.
Architects and planners, who plan and design the built environment, can contribute to sustainable development by developing solutions that are resource and energy efficient, cycle-adapted and that reduce a negative impact on nature, climate and the environment. One of the challenges for architects and planners is to ensure that our built environment inspires, facilitates and supports an environmentally adapted everyday life, meetings between people and a safe and attractive living environment.